Established in 1869, the Vasse Primary School is one of the oldest schools in the South West region of Western Australia and retains a distinctly rural character.

This Independent Public School is one with clearly articulated values and a strong natural heritage which contributes significantly to a ‘sense of place’ for students.

The vision of Vasse Primary is: “to provide a safe, professional, creative and highly engaging environment. All students are provided with opportunities to develop the skills and knowledge to be resilient, well-balanced individuals who are supportive of each other and work towards becoming successful lifelong learners.

Fostering creativity and critical thinking is an important focus for the school so that students can meet the demands of an increasingly globalised world and keep pace with the rapidly evolving technology and communication.

The P&C group is a vital support for the school and has coordinated the Vasse Art Award since 2005 together with volunteers from the school community. It is now the school’s biggest fundraising activity and continues to grow.